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Setting Designs for Sale

After reviewing a digital proof you must manually set each design for sale. Our site will not allow you to make these updates until after you have proofed your design. Follow these steps below. 

It is best to set an individual design for sale from its design layout page. There is no way to "batch" edit multiple designs for sale as you must individually review and save scale for wallpaper, as needed.

1. Scroll down the design preview page.

2. All designs are set to private once uploaded. Click For Sale to move from private to For Sale option.

  • If you get the message shown below, you haven’t completed the steps for digital proofing.

    screenshot of proofing required pop up menu


3. Once you have proofed your design, choose the For Sale option next to the private button.

screenshot of private and for sale options
A pop up will appear. You can choose either Wallpaper*, Fabric and home decor**, or tea towel and fabric***. See important details below.


screenshot of wallpaper fabric and tea towel options


When uploading identical designs at a different scales for fabric, be certain to review the wallpaper settings a second time to make sure each design is unique! Quite often two different scales of fabric will convert the wallpaper to the same scale. We explore this in fuller detail in Sizing Your Designs

**Fabric and Home Decor

When you select to sell on Fabric, your design will also be made for sale on all Spoonflower Home Decor products unless you have opted out in Design Distribution within your Account Settings. You cannot select specific fabric types or Home Decor items on which to print.

***Tea Towels

Choose this option only if you have uploaded a horizontal 27" x 18" design. This will allow your design to print correctly onto these products and it will not show up on any other home decor or wallpaper products.

4. Your designs will then show up in search, though it may take some time (10 - 15 minutes) for the servers to fully update these changes.


PRO-TIP: Upload designs at the largest scale you would want to sell, at 150DPI.

Why? Due to constraints with image resolution, you can always make a design dimensionally smaller by decreasing the scale, but the opposite is not true. Here are the benefits:

  • Once you save your largest design, you can update the wallpaper and fabric to save and print at varying scales repeats whenever a customer makes a request.
  • You can also upload this same design more than once and then rescale it down. Because you only need to proof the original Design ID, you change the scale and not need to proof it again.


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