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Contact Spoonflower

There are several ways to contact us at Spoonflower, and the more details you share when you reach out, the better. 

  • Send a message through Contact Us. We respond to each message as quickly as possible and are happy to help with any questions you have!
  • Email us at This is a great way for us to share images, links and articles directly with you.
    1. Live chat with a member of our Help Team. We are typically available 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday:
    2. Click the Help button on the bottom right hand side of any Spoonflower site page.
    3. Enter a search question first and review search results.
  • If your question isn't answered, click the Live Chat button. 
  • Direct Message (DM) us through Social Media:

We do not have an incoming call center at Spoonflower and cannot place orders over the phone.


If you feel a phone call is necessary, please reach out to us in one of the ways listed above. Please include your question(s) so we can be certain the right person will be fielding your inquiry, and include as much of this Information We Love!


Other Ways to Find Answers to Common Questions


Information We Love

  • Order Number

  • Email address of the account used to place the order

  • First and last name

  • Design URLs or Design IDs 

  • Copy and Pasted Design Names

  • Artist information


For orders of Spoonflower designs placed through Shutterfly, please reach out directly to Shutterfly Customer Support.

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